miércoles, 25 de agosto de 2010


The Leadership Motivation Assessment

Score Interpretation
Score Comment
14-27 This implies a low motivation to lead
28-55 This implies some uncertainty over your motivation to lead

56-70 This implies a strong motivation to lead.

The resul of this test tell that i have big potencial of being a leader but i have to improve working as a team



Do you have leadership potential?

Want to know whether you have what it takes to lead others? Excellent leaders bring out the best in the people around them. It takes a certain natural tendency combined with learned skills to be a good leader. While some people are certainly not cut out to head up a group, others just need a boost from some leadership training courses. The following assessment will evaluate your Leadership Skills and Style - whether you possess the personality traits and skills that characterize good leaders.

Snapshot Report
Communicate the vision

Based on your answers, you are able to imagine a clear direction for your company and communicate its plans in a way that excites others. You seem to have the level of charisma to convince people that their ideas are worthwhile. This is an essential skill, because employees are much more willing to reach a goal if you are passionate about it. People who excel in this field are innovative visionaries who have confidence in his ability to persuade and convince others. They consider it essential to know those who lead, as part of his vision.


a)   How to do public Presentations?
First you have to be clear on your goals that you want to present.
It is not just "show what they know." Think of those who hear you. It is interesting to obtain information, and make it a pleasant way.
When you clear your target, put it in writing.
Then design route presentation; Having well-structured presentation enables you to move forward with ease and confidence in your speech. Neatness bring your presentation and you will avoid having to make moves that only cause confusion to those who hear you.  

Steps to a good Presentation:
  • Introduction: In this part you have to introduce yourself, says what is your goal, says how long it will last for the presentation and briefly explains the structure that you will follow.
  • Development: Follows the scheme with which you developed in your work, but not be tempted to memorize or read.Justify your statements and add examples, diagrams or graphic content to your presentation. This is more convincing.
  • Summary: Show your conclutions of the investigation. Be sure that the public receive all the principal ideas that you wished to convey in the presentation.

miércoles, 4 de agosto de 2010


Telesoluciones, S.A.

Telesoluciones is an American company, have extensive experience in maintenance and construction of telecommunication sites, banking and general critical sites in the areas of electro-mechanical and civil works. Respond to emergencies 24 hours a day 365 days a year.


This company is founded in the year 2001. From the Group of companies founded in 1969 OEG.
The company reduce costs by integrating services into a single point and using contracts bag very easy to administer.
For your convenience the company offer contracts according to their needs, which we can design for your company is more efficient. In the services we offer are:
  • maintenance of civil works
  • maintenance of towers
  • air conditioning maintenance
  • maintenance of land and protection systems
  • maintenance of electrical installations


It offers the widest range of services on a single point to achieve maximum satisfaction of our customers, employees and partners.
These companies base their daily work in the following conditions: honesty, advice, efficiency and fairness
To be the best solution in servicing and maintenance of energy, climate and civil works throughout the region of Central America


These company have national coverage in Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua and in each country do the same work like construction of telecommunication sites, banking and general critical sites in the areas of electro-mechanical and civil works.

You can visit in http://www.ts.com.gt/default.htm